Removing a person from the “Stop List”: A positive result due to our Law Firm’s actions

The Litigation Department of our Law Firm representing a natural person, managed to remove his name from the list of undesirable persons (“Stop List”). In particular, the client requested our legal support in order to achieve his deletion from the Stop List so that he can enter the Republic of Cyprus and visit his parents who reside permanently in the Republic.

Our office by drafting and sending a detailed letter to the Ministry of Interior and the Immigration Department managed to get our Client removed from the Stop List in reasonable time, without any further (judicial or any other) action being required.

The lawyers of our office invoked in their letter, among other legal arguments, both the Cyprus Law on Foreigners and Immigration Law (Cap. 105) and the European Directive 2008/115/EC on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals.

For the removal of a person from the Stop List as well as any matter of immigration law, contact us at email: and/or tel. +357 22272360



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