Registration of Ships under Cyprus Flag

Cyprus is a world-class international maritime cluster, offering efficient and high-quality services in a vast spectrum of activities in the shipping, admiralty, and maritime sectors, to shipping professionals including charterers, ship owners, ship operators and towage companies. Cyprus has successfully built a diversified and robust maritime industry, which offers a unique set of competitive advantages.
Cyprus is considered as one of the most reliable and competitive shipping centres in the world in terms of services, registration fees and taxes.

Our Law Firm offers full legal support for registration of ships under Cyprus flag.

Find out more in our brand new brochure here


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Η εκτέλεση απόφασης μετά από 12 έτη από την έκδοσή της με άδεια δικαστηρίου σύμφωνα με τους νέους Κανονισμούς Πολιτικής Δικονομίας

του Γιώργου Καζολέα, δικηγόρου σε Dionysiou & Partners LLC To δικαίωμα του υπερ’ ου η εκτέλεση καταχώρισης αίτησης στο δικαστήριο για λήψη άδειας εκτέλεσης απόφασης,

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